Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Road Trip

Haven't been able to blog for a while as Mister Tom and I love our internet too much and used it all up.
We went for a little road trip to my parents house last weekend to help them do thier garden up. I love going home it is one of the only places bar my older sisters house that I can truly relax and forget about all my worries and woes.

Cloud formations down the Canterbury plains are alway magnificant

I did a spot of sewing with the help of Mum. I'm not used to her machine and it was frustrating!
But she came to my rescue, Yay for Mums

It was an amazingly beautiful day when we gardened and I even got a little tan

I love Mums hands and the vibrant colours in this photo

I love hands and have quite and few photos of hands, Mister Toms hands look so manly in this photo even though he's holding a flower.

Gussy the Kuni Kuni

Iggy is a gorgeous dog

Maungati is the little Valley that my parents live in and it's amazing.

The sunset on the way back was unbelievable

Home Bound, it was such a good weekend.
Thank you Ma and Pa!



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