Monday, September 26, 2011

Melbourne, three weeks on.

Mad for AFL, this is our local team who got into the semi finals.

A whole lot of Saudi Arabians celebrating their national day in Federation Square.

A hologram at the ACMI (I think stands for, Australian centre for the moving images) This hologram actually moves around.

Vic, Tom and Evan on the train.

The passive agressive note with lots of explanation marks and underlining for the Asians next door.

Melbourne is crazy for AFL, Aussie rules. We were sitting in Federation Sqaure and the semi finals were on. This man is dressed up supporting the Hawthorn Hawks (Which is the area we live in) They all wear the scarfs, the hats and the jerseys to the game! It is quite something watching them all get off the train.

Putting together our new couch/bed

The warriors game at AAMI stadium

This is who I now work for.

Well so much has happened in three weeks. It feels like we have been here for a very long time. I have managed to score myself a part time job as a photo retoucher. I'm really excited about this job as it has heaps of opportunity to expand. If I do well I could go full time and Johl would like to train me up to do Portrait work which would just be so awesome! So I can handle just part time at the moment. I still can't believe I have work. Tom is still looking for work but I feel something will come along this week fingers crossed!

We have also moved into our first flat. It's a little granny flat with an en suite bathroom. I say little but really it has quite a big kitchen, living room and bedroom. It is in a complex of other apartments which happen to house quite a few old people. You'd think that it would be nice and quite but we have been accosted by three separate people about a pile of rubbish by the rubbish bin. They decided that it had to be the new people, and it wasn't. It was a lovely welcome to the neighbour hood. They then wrote a note and left it on the door of the Asians next door, if it's not the new people it must be the asians.

So we went to IKEA and bought a little coffee table and a couch that turns into a bed plus a whole lot of kitchen stuff. Until we both have full time jobs we might just have to live off of these few things. But thats ok!

We have been having a fab time, we drove down to Portsea and took the ferry over to Geelong with Toms Aunty and Uncle. We have had quite a few drinks in Federation Square, Been to the ACMI exhibition (Which was amazing) Eaten Italian on Lygon st, Eaten Chinese in China Town, Eaten Thai in Hawthorn and been to a Warriors game (The atmosphere was unbelievable, so exciting!) My favorite part has been exploring the little arcades that have the most extraordinary mosaics. I love the Larakeets which hung upside down in the Palm trees at Port Melbourne and the Cockatoos that screeched at me when I was getting off the train in Mooroolbark.

Apart from job hunting which can be stressful, we have been so relaxed. I don't think we realized how up tight and on edge we were in Christchurch. It's amazing to wake up and not worry about the earth moving (Touch wood) .

So that is what we have been doing for the past three weeks. Fingers crossed for Tom for his job hunting!

Miss my family and can't wait to talk to them on Skype when we finally get the internet going!.



Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Searching for work.

Went to the library to get the free wifi and signed up with them. Job hunting is crazy and stressful and it has only been one day!




We finally moved to Melbourne!

Love it so much so far!

Will hopefully put more photos up of the city soon.



Thursday, September 1, 2011


We certainly did enjoy Levin. They have the best playground and Flying Fox.



Keeping entertained

This game was intense and kept us entertained from Timaru to Christchurch. Tom won by 4 points.

